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Custom Figures
by Brian Belliveau (Woober28@aol.com)

Below is a custom figure (with comments) by Brian Belliveau. Click on the pictures to see the full-size images.

[Bladerunner] BLADERUNNER
The base body is a standard G.I. Joe body. The clothing was all done from scratch, trench coat, sport jacket, shirt, tie, pants, working belt and holster. The trench coat has working buttons, not snaps. The head and gun were first sculpted using super sculpy. I then cast them using a two part mold making material, then I used the molds to cast them in plastic and painted them using enamels. The guns handle grip was cast seperately using an amber colored rubber to simulate the guns grip more accurately.
[Bladerunner Closeup] This scan shows a close-up of the gun and the packaging I designed for the figure.
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